Activity 1: Instructions

  • Read the section Copying files and directories, run the example code and do the first challenge:
  • Write the code you ran, as well as the outputs in a new script. Remember to comment along.
  • Save the script as and save it in the scripts folder of your RStudio project.
  • Send the script to the instructor.

Activity 2: Instructions

  • Choose the indicated number of challenges from each category below, for a total of 4 challenges
  • Open a new script in RStudio
  • Write as a comment the name of the challenge you choose (include the link if you can)
  • Write down the code you used to solve the challenge. Remember to comment along
  • Save your script with the name in the scripts folder of your project. The .sh extension indicates that it is a shell script.
  • Send the script to the instructor.

Navigating files and directories

Choose 1 challenge:

Choose 1 challenge:

Working with files and directories:

Choose 1 challenge:

Choose 1 challenge: