Individual Activity: A document for your data life cycle

The goals of this activity are:

  • To remember the steps of the data life cycle
  • To practice mrakdown syntax
  • To use rmarkdown functions that render a PDF file from an Rmd file
  • To remember basic steps of version control with git when working with a remote repository on GitHub
  1. Open the Rstudio project of your data science repository.
  2. From Rstudio, create a new Rmd file called “my_data_life_cycle.Rmd”
  3. In it, use markdown syntax and write down the list that you created for the assignemt “create your own data cycle”, here.
  4. Save the Rmd file to the documents folder.
  5. Render it as pdf.
  6. Add, commit and push your changes to the remote repository on GitHub.

<!– 5. Run the following code sum(dispersal_mode == "lemur"). Is it the same as the number of plant species that are dispersed by lemurs?

  1. Now run the code sum(TRUE), sum(FALSE), sum(c(TRUE, TRUE)). Can you explain why –>