Topic Title Output
Capstone Length of Floods
Functions Combining Functions
Functions The general form of a formula
Functions A function for the Portal data set
Functions Use and Modify Functions
Functions Writing Functions
Loops Basic For Loops
Loops Multi-file Analysis
Loops A Data Set of Dinosaur Lengths
Loops Size Estimates By Name Loop
Loops Calculating the mass of a bunch of dinosaurs
Loops Conditioning on length
Practice logical & conditional statements Choice Operators
Making Choices A function for the UHURU data set
Making Choices DNA or RNA
Making Choices DNA or RNA Iteration
Making Choices Handling one choice
Making Choices Handling 2 choices
Making Choices Handling 3 choices or more
Making Choices Value of y by age class
Making Choices Load or Download a File?
Making Choices Mass estimates by biological group
Making Choices Energy Conversion Challenge
Making Choices Energy Conversion Challenge
Project Structure & manipulating data Manipulating data I
Visualizing data The UHURU data set

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