Measures of the amount of energy used by biological processes are critical to understanding many aspects of biology from cellular physiology to ecosystem ecology.
There are many different units for energy and their utilization varies across methods, research areas, and lab groups:
To write the equations to convert between units, consider the following:
1. Write a function with the form convert_to_joules(energy_value, input_unit)
to convert units to joules:
An example of a call to this function would look like:
energy_in_cal <- 200
energy_in_j <- convert_to_joules(energy_in_cal, "CAL")
2. Test your function by running the example call above.
3. Modify the function so that if the input unit do not match any of the four unit types given above, have the function print - “Sorry, I don’t know how to convert “ + the name of the input unit.
4. Use your function to answer the following questions:
a) What is the daily metabolic energy used by a human (~2500 KCALs) in Joules.
b) How many times more energy does a common seal use than a human? The common seal uses ~52,500 KJ/day (Nagy et al. 1999). Use the daily human metabolic cost calculated in (4a).
c) How many ergs (ERG) are there in one kilocalorie. Since we didn’t include the erg conversion this should trigger our ‘don’t know how to convert’ message.
5. Write a function with the form convert_energy_units(energy_value, input_unit, output_unit)
that converts between all the energy units above.
Instead of writing an individual conversion between each of the different units (which requires 12 if statements), make the function efficient, and convert all of the input units to a common unit and then convert from that common unit to the output units. This will make it easier if you need to add new units later.