1. Finding your taxa in the Open Tree of Life Taxonomy
Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 5 minQuestions
What is the Open Tree Taxonomy?
What are OTT ids?
What does TNRS stand for?
Getting OTT ids for some taxa.
Understanding TNRS, approximate matching and its sensitivity.
The Open Tree Taxonomy (OTT from now on) synthesizes taxonomic information from different sources and assigns each taxon a unique identifier, which we refer to as the OTT id. To interact with the OTT (and other Open Tree of Life services) using R, we will learn how to use the functions from the rotl
package. If you don’t know if you have the package installed, go to setup and follow the instructions there.
To deal with synonyms and scientific name misspellings, the Open Tree Taxonomy uses
the Taxonomic Name Resolution Service (TNRS
from now on), that allows linking scientific names to a unique OTT id, while dealing
with misspellings, synonyms and scientific name variants. The functions from rotl
that interact
with the OTT start with “tnrs_”.
Note: Going from a common name to a scientific name
TNRS only deals with scientific names. If you want to work with common names, you will have to use a service that can get the scientific name of a list of common names. There are no functions in
to deal with this. We know of at least two places that have implemented this otherwise. The phylotastic project has implemented a common name to scientific name service that is also available in the r package rphylotastic. The OneZoom project has also developed a service that matches common names from the Encyclopedia of Life to scientific names.
To get OTT ids for a set of taxa we will use the function tnrs_match_names()
This function takes a character vector of one or more taxon scientific names as main argument.
Hands on! Run TNRS
Do a
run on the amphibians, the genus of the dog (Canis), the genus of the cat (Felis), the family of dolphins (Delphinidae) and the class of birds (Aves). Save the output to an object namedresolved_names
.my_taxa <- c("amphibians", "canis", "felis", "delphinidae", "ave") resolved_names <- rotl::tnrs_match_names(names = my_taxa)
You can try different misspellings and synonyms of your taxa to see TNRS in action.
Ok, we ran the function successfully. Now Let’s explore its output.
search_string unique_name approximate_match ott_id is_synonym flags number_matches
1 amphibians Amphibia TRUE 544595 FALSE 6
2 canis Canis FALSE 372706 FALSE 2
3 felis Felis FALSE 563165 FALSE 1
4 delphinidae Delphinidae FALSE 698406 FALSE 1
5 ave Aves TRUE 81461 FALSE 6
The output of the function is a data table. In R (and other coding languages), objects are assigned to classes to make their manipulation with other functions much easier.
A class is basically a data structure that is the same among all objects that belong to the same class.
Let’s explore the class of the tnrs_match_names()
[1] "match_names" "data.frame"
As you can see, an object can belong to one or more classes.
Indeed, R is telling us that the output of tnrs_match_names()
is a data frame (a type of table) and a ‘match_names’ object, which is in turn a data frame with exactly 7 named columns: search_string
, unique_name
, approximate_match
, ott_id
, is_synonym
, flags
, and number_matches
Ok, so we know now what is the data structure of the ‘match_names’ object, but what kind of data can I find in this class of objects?
Kinds of data stored in a ‘match_names’ object
You should have a good idea by now of what type of data is stored in the ott_ids
Can you guess what type of data is displayed in the column search_string
and unique_name
How about is_synonym
The column approximate_match
tells us whether the unique name was inferred from the search string using approximate matching (TRUE) or not (FALSE).
Finally, the flags
column tells us if our unique name has been flagged in the OTT
(TRUE) or not (FALSE), and the type of flag if any. Flags are markers that indicate if the taxon in question should be included in further analyses of the Open Tree workflow. You can read more about flags in the wiki.
Pro tip 1.1: Looking at “hidden” elements of a data object
The ‘match_names’ object actually has more data that is not exposed on the screen and is not part of the main data structure. This “hidden” data is stored in the attributes of the object. All objects have at least one attribute, the class. Attributes can be accesed with the function
, and are stored as a named list.Explore the attributes of the ‘match_names’ object
[1] "names" "row.names" "original_order" [4] "original_response" "match_id" "has_original_match" [7] "class"
Look at the attributes of other objects:
As you can see there are many more attributes in a ‘match_names’ object than in simpler objects.
Now we know what kind of data is retrieved by the tnrs_match_names()
function. Pretty cool!
Finally, how can I extract specific pieces of data from my object to use elsewhere?
Extracting data from a ‘match_names’ object
It is easy to access elements from a ‘match_names’ object using regular indexing. For example, using the column number, we can extract all elements from a certain column. Let’s extract all data from the second column:
[1] "Amphibia" "Canis" "Felis" "Delphinidae" "Aves"
We can also use the name of the column so we do not have to remember its position:
[1] "Amphibia" "Canis" "Felis" "Delphinidae" "Aves"
Because it is a ‘data.frame’, we can also access the values of any column by using the “$” and the column name to index it, like this:
[1] "Amphibia" "Canis" "Felis" "Delphinidae" "Aves"
The ‘match_names’ object has a relatively simple structure that is easy to explore and mine.
We will see later that the outputs of other rotl
functions are way more complicated
and accesing their elements requires a lot of hacking. Fortunately, the rotl
creators have
added some functions that allow interacting with these complicated outputs.
The functions unique_name()
, ott_id()
, and flags()
extract values from the
respective columns of a ‘match_names’ object, in the form of a list instead of a vector.
To extract data from the other columns there are no specialized functions, so you will have to index.
Hands on! Extract the OTT ids from a ‘match_names’ object
You now have a ‘match_names’ object that we called
. There are at least two ways to extract the OTT ids from it. Can you figure them out? Store them in an object we will callmy_ott_ids
.Hint: You can find one solution by browsing the rotl package documentation to find a function that will do this for a ‘match_names’ object.
You will find a second solution by using your knowledge on data frames and tables to extract the data from the
column.Look at some solutions
Get the OTT ids as a list, with the function
:my_ott_ids <- rotl::ott_id(resolved_names) # rotl:::ott_id.match_names(resolved_names) is the same. my_ott_ids
$Amphibia [1] 544595 $Canis [1] 372706 $Felis [1] 563165 $Delphinidae [1] 698406 $Aves [1] 81461 attr(,"class") [1] "otl_ott_id" "list"
Or, get the OTT ids as a vector:
my_ott_ids <- resolved_names$ott_id # or resolved_names[, "ott_id"] my_ott_ids
[1] 544595 372706 563165 698406 81461
There are no specialized functions to extract values from a row of a ‘match_names’ object, so we have to do some indexing. You can get values from all columns of one row:
search_string unique_name approximate_match ott_id is_synonym flags
1 amphibians Amphibia TRUE 544595 FALSE
1 6
Or get just one specific value from a certain column, using the column name:
[1] "Amphibia"
Or using the column position:
[1] "Amphibia"
Hack: Name the rows of your ‘match_names’ object
To facilitate the use of OTT ids later, you can name the rows of your ‘match_names’ object using the function
.You can name them whatever you want. For example, you can use the
identifier:rownames(resolved_names) <- resolved_names$unique_name
Or simply call them something short that makes sense to you and is easy to remember:
rownames(resolved_names) <- c("amphs", "dogs", "cats", "flippers", "birds")
This will facilitate accessing elements of the ‘match_names’ object by allowing to just use the row name as row index (instead of a number).
There are at least two ways to do this.
You can use the “$” to acces a named column of the data frame:
[1] 698406
Or you can use the column name as column index:
[1] 698406
In both cases, you will get the OTT id of the Delphinidae. Cool!
Pro tip 1.2: Extract data from the attributes of a ‘match_names’ object
On the previous
pro tip
we saw that there is more data stored in the attributes of the ‘match_names’ object. The structure of this data is complicated and extracting it requires some hacking. There is one inbuilt function in the packagerotl
that will extract the synonyms from the attributes of a ‘match_names’ object.The function
$Amphibia [1] "Lissamphibia" "Amphibia" $Canis [1] "Vulpicanis" "Lupulella" "Chaon" "Dasycyon" "Simenia" [6] "Lupulus" "Dimenia" "Alopedon" "Thos" "Schaeffia" [11] "Canix" "Jacalius" "Mamcanisus" "Sacalius" "Oxygous" [16] "Neocyon" "Lupus" "Aenocyon" "Canis" "Alopsis" [21] "Oxygonus" "Lyciscus" "Oreocyon" "Dieba" $Felis [1] "Felis" "Felix" "Microfelis" "Trichaelurus" "Poliailurus" [6] "Chaus" "Catolynx" "Felia" "Folis" "Otocolobus" [11] "Otocalobus" "Mamfelisus" "Otailurus" "Eremaelurus" "Avitofelis" [16] "Octolobus" "Ictalurus" "Catus" "Octalobus" $Delphinidae [1] "Orcinae" "Orcini" "Orcadae" [4] "Orcaelidae" "Trispondylus kleini" "Stenidae" [7] "Globicephalidae" "Orcininae" "Delphinusideae" [10] "Globidelphinidae" "Delphinidae" "Orcaellidae" [13] "Orcadina" "Delphinapteridae" "Delphinoidae" [16] "Grampidelphidae" "Trispondylus" "Cephalorhynchinae" [19] "Tursiops miocaenus" "Grampidae" "Globiocephalidae" [22] "Steno cudmorei" $Aves [1] "Aves" "avian" "Lophorus" "Lepturus" "Phyllomanes" attr(,"class") [1] "otl_synonyms" "list"
There you go! Now we know how to get OTT ids from a bunch of taxa of interest. Let’s see what we can do with these on the next section.
Key Points
OTT ids are the Open Tree of Life Taxonomy handlers; they identify taxa.
You can go from a scientific name to an OTT id with TNRS matching.
You cannot go from a common name to OTT id with the Open Tree of Life tools.